Monday, March 4, 2013

Douglas Island Walk

The sun was shinning on Saturday afternoon.  When that happens we hop in the Subaru and drive to someplace we haven't seen yet.  This Saturday we drove across the Gastineau Channel and headed north as far as the Island would go.  It wasn't a long way, probably 12-15 miles.  There is a ski resort up one of the side roads.  There were a lot of people skiing.  All of these pictures are from Saturday's walk down a trail about a mile long and then of the ski resort.

There was a plank laid down for a trail from the parking lot to the edge of the forrest next to the beach.  The ground was wet and like a bog.
The trees will fall over and create wonderful sights along the forrest floors.
In other parts of this walk the trees grew very tall and straight.
Looking from Douglas Island across the bay.
Occasisonally the Sitka Spruce don't grow very tall for some reason.  The ground here was very much like a bog.
There is a moss that grows on many of the trees and bushes. 

Moss will grow on anything that isn't used or purposefully cleaned.  It created a wonderful emerald quality to the forrest floor.
We did make it up to see Eagle Crest Ski Resort.  It looked a lot like the resorts in Utah.  However the snow is very slushy, at least at the bottom. 
We saw two runs, a small one of the left and one on the right that seemed to go nearly to the top of the mountain crest.

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