Saturday, April 6, 2013

First Week In April

Our Tlinget investigator, Carl Bogren, has been fading away on us.  He likes to spend his nights with his buddies, and he sleeps all day rather than looking for a job.  He seems to want me to do all the leg work for him and I'm pretty insistent that he needs to sleep at night and look for a job in the day time.  I don't believe he is being honest with us in many ways.  He informed us he needs to be in Washington next week for a court showing.  He says it is for littering.  One of his roommates tells us, after looking it up on the public records, that it is much more serious than that. 

The Institute lesson went well, but I didn't feel like I did a very good job with my presentation.  Thank heaven those attending are, many of them, very versed in the gospel.  The lesson was from the Book of James in the New Testament, and the First Book of Peter.  I really enjoy studying them.  It is wonderful to read the thoughts of the Savior's half brother and the teachings of Peter, the holder of the keys of that dispensation. 

Our Thursday class went much better and we had 10 attending this week.  Our discussion centered around the Last Supper, the washing of the apostles feet, the Betrayal, and we even fit in some discussion on making our family histories.

Diane made a beautiful cake for desert on Wednesday evening for the Institute.  It was a hit.

We both had appointments with a dentist for our bi-annual cleaning and checkup.  The dentist, Dr. Gilbert is a member of the stake high council.  When we went to the window to pay, his receptionist said that Dr. Gilbert would be taking care of this one and there would be no charge.  I thanked him at General Priesthood last evening.  He said "I like to take care of our missionaries."  What a blessing that was for us as we no longer carry any dental insurance.  I know that he will be blessed for that act of tender mercy toward us.

I made 4 loaves of bread on Friday.  I knew Diane would want some for dinner on Sunday.  Matt Adamson's mother has been in town for the week-end.  She has been staying with the Wellings.  Matt was being ordained an Elder last night after General Priesthood and he wanted his mother with him.  She lives in Valdez.  That is an 80 mile drive or so from Anchorage.  Matt asked me to be in the circle to help ordain him.  Anyway, Matt has been called to Tennessee on a mission and has been actively involved in our YSA branch since last September.  We are having him and his mother over for lunch today and afterwards we will watch the concluding session of conference together. 

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