Monday, September 30, 2013

Diane Celebrates A Birthday In Juneau

Diane finally caught up with me in age this week.  We are both now 66.  We celebrated with some flowers and a night out for dinner at a decent Chinese restaurant she enjoys.  The highlight of the day was having a few of our children call to express their love and appreciation to her for being their mother.  I think one of my greatest comforts has been to see our daughter grow from resentment at having a 'replacement' mother, to having reached a place of gratitude and love for that 'replacement mother.'  The test is what we do with the apples we have been given to harvest.  This daughter has finally made a beautiful batch of bottled apples that is being enjoyed in many 'apple pies' now and to come. (And to think I didn't feel we could afford another child.  How I thank her birth mother every day for being more wise than me.  I could not have afforded to be without her at this time in my life.)  Each child I have been blessed with, is a blessing to me in different ways. 

The tourist season is over.  The final cruise ships left the docks last Thursday.  Diane and I walked downtown where she looked over some items we wanted to purchase to help us remember this wonderful experience and place.  If you know Diane, you know she is a decorator supreme.  She makes our home a peaceful place.  We can look on our walls and find remembrances of our faith, our family and our life's experiences.  These items we purchased will help her to do some more of that.

Emily Ann Lohrey received her mission call last Monday.  She has been called to a mission in Siberia, Russia.  It was fun to watch her express her excitement at FHE as she would inform each friend who entered the room of her call.   She just jumped into their arms and would squeal with delight.  She has had four years of Russian in school.  That can't be a bad thing. 

Hannah Cordell has returned to our missionary prep classes.  She attended a couple of times after graduating from seminary and then decided she wasn't going to go on a mission.  Sunday there she was again.  She has started the on-line paper process and has put her availability date down as the new year.  When asked what happened, she replied that she didn't really know.  She just woke up and knew that she needed and wanted to go on a mission.  Her countenance is noticeably different in the missionary prep class.  She was there because she wanted to be there, so that she could be as prepared as she could possibly be.  She went through her scriptures with purpose.  We both noticed the change and the light that seemed to have become part of her.

The attendance at our FHE on Monday evenings has increased substantially since Wendy Calderwood has returned from her mission.  She does the planning and promoting.  They are well done and fun.  This evening there will be a short lesson and then she has arranged for a martial arts class to give them all a free martial arts lesson.  She has recently been called to be the Relief Society president.  I hope there is a suitable FHE leader available to replace her. 

We have two new members, converts, who have moved in from Sitka.  Corina Sandoval was baptized last month.  Her friend, a convert and her roommate is Hilda.  I still have to learn her last name.  They are both Latino and excited about the gospel.  They have been coming to Institute.

It always fun to see the sun.  In the early morning when it hits the Alaskan mountains it can be breath taking.

My preparations for this week's Institute lesson include coming to grips with Isaiah.  I am finding it fascinating.  I am understanding better that Isaiah wanted those who would read his writings to know and understand the branches of the tree of Israel.  He wanted those who had been removed from the tree to know their branch would be returned to the tree.  He wanted us to understand who Christ is and what he has given us.  He wanted us to understand that when we become children of the promise that we become a covenant people, and these covenants are sacred and essential.  Nephi understood Isaiah from the Brass Plates, and he became a kindred spirit with the mission and prophecies of Isaiah.  I hope I am able to help the YSA branch become as excited about it as we discuss it. 

It is a beautiful time of year.  The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground.  The foliage is preparing for the winter as well. 

Thursday Institute discussion centered around the writings of James, the half brother of Jesus.  Where as Paul teaches a lot about the trees of the gospel, James teaches much about the vines and protruding branches than can trip us up.  He teaches us what it takes to live a "Christ-Like" life.  Our attendance has been consistent.  I think I enjoy that part of our mission the most.  We take a single Institute lesson and spend the entire time on it.  We completely dissect the principles of the gospel and have time to chew on each morsel of truth.  I learn a great deal from those who attend. 

The fog is a daily occurrence.  I enjoy seeing it across the mountains and in this case in the Gastineau Channel.

The ravens and eagles have been away from our apartment since the salmon started to run in early summer.  The salmon runs are winding down and we again see an occasional raven and eagle.  The bears are full of salmon fat and they are finishing up their preparations for the coming winter's hibernation and birthing.  Diane and I saw our first really big male black bear in a clearing only a mile from our apartment.  He was meandering a very small stream looking for anything he could find of interest. 

Tara Pearce is a Junior in our Juneau Seminary class.  She also dives for the Thunder Mountain High School.  She invited us to see her dive.  Her father is her assistant coach standing beside her. 


  1. I too am so grateful Judy was able to convince you to have one more. Tiffany is such a blessing even to me, and I'm quite removed. She is so good to Mom and I need that so much. Mom doesn't go without attention, but she loves it when it comes from her own kids and grandchildren. She's a sweetheart and easy to love.

    I love your posts. It sounds like you're busy teaching again. Summer must be a little slower for you. Nice that people will come out of their warms homes to feast on the scriptures.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIANE!! I have to tell you how much you are missed around here! I can't believe that it has been a year since you have been gone! We are happy to hear that you're enjoying yourselves!
    Love, Marci :)
