Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tourist Season Begins

Cruise ships have been appearing in the Juneau harbor daily now.  And with their arrival the traffic has increased significantly everywhere.  For a few days the tourists have been able to enjoy good weather.  In fact, yesterday was the warmest day we have experienced since arriving in Juneau.  The thermometer reached 70 degrees. 
 Diane and I were responsible for the YSA home evening lesson.  I added some things from Revelations that I didn't have time to put in our final lesson a week ago.  After 20 minutes of Revelations we took about 25 young adults into the cultural hall to play a game.  I had them put a chair in a circle and assume the name of an animal.  I gave them each a newspaper rolled into a club for striking each other.  (Lightly)  With 'it' in the middle, the last person to be it said the name of their animal and then the sound the animal makes, and then they said the name of another animal in the circle and the vocalized the call the animal makes.  I.E. Cow, moo moo, dog, woof woof.  The person in the middle had to strike the second animal before he could complete the cycle.  It got a little wild and I think they enjoyed "Animal Farm" for a while.  They then wanted to play some basketball.

This is Elizabeth Ditallo.  She graduated from UAS this week.  We will miss her as she is going to Barrow.  She graduated as a Marine Biologist.

The YSA generally ends up playing some

Wednesday was the first day of a new semester in Institute.  We are going to be teaching the Doctrines of the Gospel.  Our first lesson was on Divine Nature and Revelation.  It was very enjoyable to prepare and present.  The young people were very eager to participate. 

In Thursday's adult gospel discussion we finished up the four gospels by discussing the Resurrection of the Savior. 

Today Diane went to the church to help Sister Tawni Calderwood with a sewing project.  They taught several others how to thread their sewing machines and then make a sack of some sort.  This evening we ate dinner with Tina and Monty Williams.  They invited us to a wonderful evening at their home.

The weather yesterday was so beautiful.  After going out to eat, (we do that most Fridays) we took a drive up to Mendenhall Glacier to take in some beautiful Alaska scenery.

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