Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving In Juneau

We haven't had a missionary prep class for the past two weeks.  Eric has had the lessons and Emmilyann is now in the MTC.  We had to cancel last week's Thursday Institute because of the amount of snow that was on the road.  We got 10-12 inches depending on where you were, Lemon Creek or in the Valley.  It is gone now.  The constant rain of the past 5 days has melted it.

Our Sunday School Gospel Doctrine teacher is struggling right now and didn't show up on Sunday.  I did my best filling in on lesson #41, Missionary Work.  I hurried home during Priesthood meeting and ran the lesson off from the site and used the headings to direct the lesson.  Elizabeth Munoz told me she liked my lessons better when I didn't have time to prepare them.  I'm not sure what to take from that.

Wednesday Institute we spent admiring the leadership of King Benjamin and his example of service and righteousness. 

Now and then I have to make an 'executive' decision in the seminary.  I made one yesterday.  I asked a young man not to sit next to a certain young woman anymore.  He was reluctant but told me he would try.  I did a rewind and said trying wasn't enough.  The correct answer is either yes or no.  He said that if he refused to sit away from her then he probably wouldn't be allowed to come to seminary.  I responded that would be his choice, that seminary is a privilege and not a right.  He then said he would sit away from her.  He came in to the area where I was studying quite upset and said he just couldn't do it.  He wanted to know what power I had to make an edict like that.  I explained that as the Priesthood holder with the responsibility of supervising the seminary, I had that authority and responsibility to see that classes were orderly and enjoyable for all, including the teacher.  After a Priesthood holder talk to another Priesthood holder, where it was explained what stress he was causing his volunteer teacher, and the disruption it caused to the class when these two were talking and laughing during a lesson, he seemed to understand a bit better.  He said, "Now that I understand the problem, can I sit next to her?"  lol  I explained that when it was not as important whom he sat by, as the privilege of just being there to better himself, we would discuss the issue again.  But for the time being he was to sit away from her.  For a bit I felt like I was back teaching school instead of serving a mission. 

The Bald Eagles have returned to Juneau.  I saw these three Thanksgiving morning at the top of the same tree.

I have been doing a lot of Family History research this week.  My genealogy seems to become a bigger job with each name I find.  Duh!  I try to keep up with my Indexing too.  I have been doing nothing but arbitration the last month.  I am working on the obituary pilot batches.  They are so interesting. 

Diane (Sister Waldron) is busy finishing up the rolls for today's dinner.  She baked two beautiful pies yesterday.  We have been invited to Thanksgiving dinner with Robert and Sawa Francis.  Elder and Sister Brinkerhoff will be going with us as well. 

There has been plenty of time to look back at my life and realize how hands on the Lord has been.  I am so thankful for my blessings.  My family is beautiful and precious to me.  My faith is more precious than any amount of rubies for sure.  I have never had to go hungry.  The only times I have slept without a roof over my head have been by choice, except for that one time I got lost with my missionary district in Inscription Canyon in Arizona.  There's a story.  I have never had to defend my freedoms with a gun.  Freedom is a great thing.  I know who I am.  I am a son of God, and a brother of my Savior, Jesus Christ who has made it possible for me to be an heir of my Father In Heaven.  I have a decent understanding from the scriptures of where I will go when this life is over. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

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