Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December Sunshine

While driving to Office Max, to get a new cartridge for the printer, I noticed an incredible thing.  The sun was shining.  The clouds were hanging close to the ground.  I know.  Most of us call that fog.  But it had this Alaskan quality about it that made it so beautiful.  Upon returning home, I knew I had to get back out in it and take pictures of the Alaskan sun; with the incredible laces of vapor weaving in and out of the valley and crawling across the mountain sides.  I still can not believe I am so blessed to be in this beautiful part of the earth.

The cold I have had is getting better.  If I had to measure the degree to which I am improving I would guess that I am 1/100th better each day of the past week. 

Can you imagine what happens when over two feet of snow gets rained on?  Our every step is taken with extreme caution.

These pictures are of the area where we live.  I just drove a mile from home and got out of the car and started clicking the shutter. 

We had a very fun YSA home evening activity last evening.  We decorated ginger bread houses.  There were so many packages of pocket candy to decorate with.  There were many, many young people there with us (young men and young women age).  They were learning a dance to do at the airport sort of like a flash mob.  A very well liked young man is returning from his mission in California and they want to surprise him at the airport.  They have the airport manager's permission.  Because he arrives around 9:30 p.m. tomorrow evening, we will be having Institute earlier to accommodate them. 

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