Friday, December 14, 2012

End of the Institute Semester

There is no event that has ever occurred during the history of the earth, that has had the impact on each individual that has lived on the earth, that can equal that of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I enjoyed giving this lesson more than any I have ever taught.  Unfortunately, we only had two YSA members in attendance.  There were a few adults and a married couple that came in toward the end of the lesson.  University finals really took a toll on our attendance.  Two of our most dedicated were out of town. One was in Hawaii to visit family, and one flew to Anchorage on business.  But, the low numbers do not indicate the impact of the lesson.  I grew immensely in my understanding of this greatest of all sacrifices.  I learned that during Jesus' 40 day tarry after his resurrection, the Apostles were instructed by Jesus to meet him in Jerusalem.  (Luke 24:49)  (That wasn't new to me.)  The fact they were told there they would be endued with power, this time caused me to study deeper.  Joseph Smith had been told to go to the Ohio.  There he was also to be endued with power.  (D & C 38:32)  I believe that power was the endowment. 

Peter, James and John may have received their endowment on the Mount of Transfiguration we are taught in our seminary manual.  But the other Apostles now received their endowment before being sent to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all in the world.  I was thrilled to teach that. 

Sometimes certain things grab you and wake you up, like they have never done before.  And this lesson did that for me. 

The adult Institute class yesterday was a second chance for me to do a better job on the beginning of the Savior's ministry.  We discussed the beginning of his miracles and the cleansing of the temple.  The first time the Savior declared, after reading from Isaiah, that he was the one of whom Isaiah spoke.  The Nazareth leaders wanted miracles, or proof just like they had heard him do in Capernaum.  But Jesus taught, in his way, that faith precedes the miracle.  And they had none.

Justin Brink returned from his two year mission serving in California.  Many of our YSA members are glad to have him back.  The airport flash mob dance had been a success. 

We now have two new YSA members.  Dillon was baptized last evening by his recently returned friend, Justin Brink.  Our Young Single Adult Family Home Evening head, Nani, met Dillon 4 years ago.  She was a senior in high school.  Dillon was a freshman.  Dillon's mother asked Nani to take him to a dance as he didn't have a date.  Nani did.  They have had a close friendship ever since.  Dillon expressed some desires to have some questions about religion answered.  Nani said she knew some missionaries who could help with those questions.  The missionaries tell us that Dillon was the quintessential 'Golden Contact.' 

His parents, who are non-members, were very supportive and attended the baptism.  They had their arms around their son and actually recorded the program prior to the baptism.  (I think that's the first time I've ever seen anyone bring a paper-container of Starbuck's Jo in to an LDS chapel. :-) 

If this is too lengthy, I am posting a few more pictures from our Juneau Sunny Day of two days ago.  That way you can read this much like I read the National Geographic, looking at the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures and testimony, Dad. Eye and ear candy for sure!
