Friday, January 4, 2013

Back In The Saddle

This is Carol Staack She attends our Adult Institute Class

Most of our YSA students have headed back to lower latitudes to attend school. We did gain a returned missionary that we hadn't known would be coming home, Nic Tracy. For two weeks we will have Marie Holden with us. She took the missionary lessons from the Juneau missionaries prior to leaving for the University of Portland. She was baptized the first or second week after arriving at her new school. She was in church Sunday and came to our Institute class last evening. She is so excited about the gospel and was anxious to see what Institute would be like as there is not one close to her in Portland. It was fun to see how excited she is about her new found religion.

Gary and Karen Kastenko who also attend our
Thursday Morning Insistute Class.


There were seven for the lesson and then three others came in for the last 20 minutes. We also had Pres. and Sister Olsen in attendance.

Diane fixed up a chicken oriental coleslaw, crescents and a chocolate cake. I heard more than once someone say, “Sister Waldron, you are such a good cook.” And she is. 
We had a very good turnout for Institute last evening. 

This is Loren Bettridge.  He and
his wife both attend the Institute

I feel badly that she has picked up the Alaskan crud. I still have small effects after 7 weeks and she has been getting it for over a week.

This is Susan Miller, a member of our
Thursday Institute Class.

Had I taught the suggested material, I would have been cramming an introduction, and two lessons into the hour and a half. I just couldn’t do anything justice in that amount of time; so I gave an extensive account of the way of life around the Mediterranean countries around the meridian of time. We talked about the influence of the Romans and also the Greeks. We discussed ways in which each of these governments made it possible for the Apostles to Preach and why their teachings were rejected by some and accepted by others. We also reviewed the personalities of those mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles through and including John the Revelator. There were some real strong personalities among them, and there were some real characters. We even discussed Nero and how his mother campaigned for his appointment as Emperor at the young age of 17 and how later he had her killed because she was too controlling in his life. It was a fun lesson to teach.

Today we resumed our Thursday adult Institute class. I probably should have waited a week as some could not come because their kids were not in school yet. That was a mistake. Our numbers were low. We did have 7 come. And Jimmie Rosenbruch brought some deer sausage chili. He is quite the outdoorsman. 

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