Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekends Can Be Full

The Saturday morning Missionary Prep class was very well attended and these young people are on fire with enthusiasm for their calls.  Nia is waiting for her Stake President to push the send button.  Matt needed his picture placed on the application and then the Branch President can send it on to his Stake President in Valdez.  Heather is not sure she even will be going on a mission but wants to be as prepared as possible in case that does become an option.  Her father is hoping to get a good job in Anchorage and that would mean some changes for her.  Diane had some bran muffins and apple slices for them afterwards.  Heather stayed for a while after the others had left and had a pleasant visit with us. 

Sunday was our branch council meeting.  We have a newly returned missionary, Colt Franklin, recently called as our Elders Quorum President.  We will miss the association we have enjoyed with A. J. Collins who has had that call.  He is mostly Choctaw Indian and his family is in Ely, Nevada.  We have a newly called branch mission leader, Nick Tracy.  Now here is a story.  He returned from the Indianapolis mission the first week of January.  He spent a week in Utah prior to returning home to Juneau.  He ran across a returned sister missionary who worked within a zone where Nick was the zone leader.  They went out one time.  There was a very strong connection, as Nick explained it to me while we talked yesterday.  Nick told her that he was leaving for Juneau and he regretted not being able to continue the relationship.  She expressed a very strong interest in continuing the relationship.  Well one thing lead to another and before they said good night, they were engaged to be married.  This will take place in May in the Timpanogos temple.  When the Spirit moves you, huh?  I have to say, if she is as spiritually prepared as he is, they will make a great couple.  This young man is a catch for sure.
Diane and I talked in church for the 2nd ward yesterday.  Diane's talk on commitment seemed to strike home to many who heard it.  It was a wonderful talk.  I spoke on Joy in our lives and the difference between Happiness and Joy.  By chance, our mission president and his wife were in attendance.  After the sacrament meeting we met with President and Sister Beesley for about 30 minutes so they could get a feel for what we are doing and how we are faring. 

A situation has developed with our Sitka seminary class.  Our dear 73 year old teacher Alice Smith, has developed a heart issue and has asked to be relieved of at least two days each week.  The bishopric there called Diane and said there is no one else to do the job and wanted permission for the elders help.  Our stake presidency says there are others available.  The Beesley's say the elders can help.  It is now in the hands of the Stake Presidency and I know all will be well.  Diane and I will travel there as soon as the crisis is resolved. 

Yesterday at 4:15 p.m. we held our 2nd missionary preparation class for the young people of the 2nd and 3rd Juneau wards.  A young lady, Mikaela Schlechter, decided to attend as well.  She is a senior in high school and will probably be going to BYU Idaho if she gets an acceptance letter.  She has an acceptance letter from BYU Hawaii.  She is thinking of possibly going to one semester of school and then going on a mission.  She is in our seminary class and her church calling is the Sacrament Meeting Chorister.  She is so tiny and petite.  It is amazing what this new missionary announcement has done to our area.  Also attending are the Tongan twins, Josh and Vili Tupou.  Frankie Gonzalez also attends.  These three priests are also in the same seminary class with Mikaela.  Our mission president has been told to get ready for 100 additional missionaries, and they are starting to come immediately. 

The weather is cold today.  It is 11 degrees outside and the wind is swirling yesterday's snowfall around a bit.  Every now and then we will have a day like this, but last week we enjoyed temperatures in the high 30s.  But the snow never melts unless it is rained on. 

The Institute lessons are centered on the missionary activities of Paul.   I think I am starting to get a handle on him better.  I certainly enjoy the challenge of preparing these lessons.  When I get tired of my preparations I go to the back window of our apartment and count the bald eagles that are perched in the Sitka Spruce trees.  There are 7 resting above us now. 

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures. I am so proud of you both. Love hearing about the people there.
