Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Missionary Prep Changes Each Week

The faces that show up for missionary preparation class are like being in a terminal at the Greyhound bus station.  Nia texted me that she has a bug of some sort.  She has almost completed her application online.  Leti and Marshall have been to every session, and they are going to need every session to be ready.  They are such babes in the woods when it comes to gospel knowledge.  But they have so much faith.  We added Vika.  She bore a wonderful testimony in Family Home Evening on Monday.  She attended General Conference with a few of the others.  She actually stayed with relatives in Herriman, near our home when we aren't being missionaries.  She mentioned in her testimony that she wanted to go on a mission. 

Actually they print in the Sunday Sacrament meeting program that anyone interested in going on a mission should see Elder and Sister Waldron.  I think that mentioning that in her scriptural thought on Monday was her way of notifying me.  She is a sophomore at the University of Alaska S. E. here in Juneau.  She graduated from High School a year early and is very good at expressing herself.  So she came to our missionary preparation class last evening.  She turns 19 in February.

We talked about the importance of having the Holy Ghost with us as missionaries.  We actually had to back up and explain the Holy Ghost, who he is, what his purpose is and how we can have him with us not only when we need him, but at all times.  We went into some bit of depth on the Spirit of Christ.  We talked about how every being is born with the Spirit of Christ and that if they are living a type of life that we could say they are trying to be good, they will recognize truth when they are presented with it. 

I then gave them the assignment to read the Joseph Smith History for next week.  The boys are quite vague on the specifics. 

After the prayer it was interesting to hear Vika say, "I actually felt the spirit tonight."  And she meant it.  We stayed around the table again and they really talked again.  The boys don't read in the scriptures much, if at all.  Leti commented how when he was in our meetings he feels so good and wants to be a better person.  He then said that when he leaves the building he quickly feels like his old self again.  I know that reading the scriptures each day can fix that.  He actually fears being involved in a shooting here.  He said he would like to someday go back to Oakland.  I asked, "Why?  The young people in Oakland can be mean to each other and there is a gang orientation to the city." 

He said, "I know.  I want to stay here until I'm older, and then I want to go back home." 

We talked about where the shootings occur and at what time of the day.  I tried to impress upon him to not be out at those times of the day.  He said, "Sunday they can happen at any time."

My response was, "That is an easy one.  Be here with us on Sundays."  I then explained to him why we were trying to have so many activities with them.  It keeps them with young people with the same goals and values.  And it helps to strengthen their resolve to live with the Spirit of the Holy Ghost.    We can see them on Sunday, Monday, Tues, Wednesday and on Friday they have a group activity night.

Diane made a chip dip of artichokes hearts, green chilies, and Parmesan cheese and mayo.  She also made some chocolate chip cookies.  The kids stayed and talked until they were all gone.  We really enjoy getting to know them and being with them. 

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