Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Missionary Prep Lesson #2

Diane was loaded with things to do yesterday.  She is teaching this morning and spent a good deal of time yesterday finalizing her lesson.  She did our wash as well.  We are fortunate as the washer and dryer are just outside our apartment door.  She also did the shopping for groceries. 

I prepared for the missionary preparation class that was held last night.  Four 19 year old priesthood holders and a 20 year old sister attended.  They all five have very humble personalities.  They boys are a bit timid in the gospel still.  It's hard to get them to remember to bring their scriptures.  The concept of a journel is hard to take root.  But they are trying and looking forward to serving missions.  Our young sister, Nia, is so excited and is right where she should be in her preparation.  She is a driving force in keeping many of our young people actively participating.  She commented that with all of the 19 year old sisters now able to serve a mission, she would be the old maid of those entering the mission field.

I went to the Breeze, a local fast food place with an incredible assortment of baked goods, and bought a half dozen doughnuts, maple bars and sugar twists.  They all had colds but gobbled them right up.  I guess if I had been a better example I would have given them each an orange. 

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