Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Bread of Life

Ouch!  I left my glasses on the floor beside my books on Tuesday evening.  One of the kids attending the Missionary Preparation lesson unknowingly stepped on them.  Fortunately the lenses are fine, but the frame is history.  I was able to find a place that can order in another frame in about 10 days.

The Bread of Life was part of the Institute lesson last evening.  We started with the 5th Article of Faith and discussed how Inspiration is the tool used to call members of the church to a calling.  We then talked about the call of the Apostles of Christ in Judea and the Apostles of our own time.  That led to sustaining those who are called.  Sustaining can be a wonderful topic.

But the topic I loved presenting the most was the Savior's sermon on "the Bread of Life."  I enjoy the way it is told in John chapter 6.  So often we are consumed with the bread of daily sustenance that we forget that we can have the Bread whereby we shall never hunger or thirst if we but recognize it and then partake of it. 

The Jews saw Christ work miracles among them as the blind were made to see, the lame to walk, the rose again, and devils were cast out from among them.  Many were healed by simply touching the hem of his garments as he passed.  And then they saw him feed 5000 men and their women and children from 5 barley loaves and 2 fishes.  They recognized power.  But they wanted that power to lead them to freedom from the oppressions of the Roman government and provide for them forever.  They tried to force him to be the leader of entitlement and a life of ease.  (Feed us this bread that we will not hunger or thirst again.) 

I felt better about this week's lesson.  It helps not to be distracted by events of the day that can get you down.  Last week I had been distracted.

When the Savior explained that he was the Bread and that they must eat of his flesh and drink of his blood, they could not think past the visualization of actually eating and drinking Jesus.  The true meaning was hidden from them because they did not have that spirit to understand.  He was talking of Coming Unto Him in Spiritual things and following his teachings and a way of life.  It was hard to understand.  Even though they had seen so many miracles personally, and had witnessed the power of Jesus to miraculously feed a multitude, they murmured and wanted a 'sign.'  It was too hard, the things they had been told and at that time, many of the Jews ceased to follow him any longer.  But the Apostles, when asked if they too would leave, had the testimony and wisdom to respond differently.  "Unto Whom shall we go?  Thou hast the words of eternal life." 

Diane had a wonderful plate of food for the 20 that were there.  They really compliment her culinary skills.  The missionaries even brought an investigator.  I didn't know who he was and I had him reading from the scriptures right along with the others.  He did great.

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