Tuesday, August 14, 2012

CES Day 2

What a wonderful day this was as we learned how to go beyond identifying content when preparing a block of scripture for a lesson.  The next step was to identify the principles and the doctrines.  We then learned how to prioritize these individual principles and (guess) how much time to alot to each principle.  After identifying a doctrine or principle, we learned how to search them with activities, analyzeing, and asking appropriate questions that would lead to the student desiring to apply that doctrine in their lives.  All the time we had to keep in mind that the student needs to learn to search for themselves.  And most importantly, the Spirit of the Holy Ghost, when invited, does the actual teaching,  That same spirit can dictate where a lesson should go.  As teachers we need to be prepared for anything and any direction the students and spirit can send a lesson. 

We have enjoyed the meals at the MTC more than we expected to.  The desserts are really good.  They can make a tasty, soft and chewey cookie.  There is plenty of fruit and all the dry cereal any teen-ager could possibly dream about. 

I was asked to play the piano for our early morning devotional.  CES had quite large pictures of Institute students stacked and placed around the front of the room.  There were on pulpits, on steps, placed on chairs and leaning against walls.  There were three of these standing up-right on the piano.  I guess I was playing a bit vigorously.  All three picture cards came crashing down and hit my hymn book, displacing it into my lap.  I almost thought to holler, "EARTH QUAKE.  Duck and Cover."  In retrospect I am sure that would have been inappropriate.


  1. Next time, go with your first thought and yell "Earthquake!" Everybody needs a little comic relief in their life.

  2. I wish there could be a place where we could learn how to do this before we get to the MTC. I try so hard to get more than content out of my scripture reading. Sometimes I'm doing good just to read.

    I love reading about your experience. Thanks for sharing. Love, Connie
