Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday in the MTC

Sundays in the MTC are quite special.  There was no Primary and we could actually hear the prayers for the Sacrament. 

Now breakfast was a surprise!  After seeing those wonderful breakfasts with bacon, hash browns and eggs and lots of fruit choices, we saw that the menu today was....dry cereal......for everyone.  I asked a Sister missionary where they kept the sugar.  She said, "Didn't you get the kind with sugar already on it?"  So I squeezed some honey on my Raisin Bran.  They did have some rice milk I could pour on it.  I did find an apple too. 

Priesthood was fun.  I was assigned to attend a zone of missionaries going to Mexico.  There were about 30 Hispanics from everywhere.  There were three gringos.  And there was one missionary from Taiwan going to Mexico.  They were all so enthusiastic about their testimonies and their mission calls.  We senior missionaries sat on our hands so we weren't tempted to find ourselves dominating the meeting. 

We had the afternoon to study and take a nap.  This evening after supper (dinner for the couth) we attended the going away meeting.  We received some special instruction on our last Sunday before departing for our individual fields we have been assigned to.  There was a violin and piano duet played by two Elders and they were fantastic. The pianist played his part, and it was quite complicated, from memory.   (The missionaries audition to be able to perform at firesides.  The talent of these young people is phenomenal.)

Following that meeting we attended a fireside where 9 Elders performed "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief."  It was tremendous from all nine Elders. 

We then listened to Brother Richard I Heaton, the MTC director of administration.  He taught us very well on moving together with our investigators, and not getting ahead of them.  (That means being realistic with where they are and not getting overly excited and expecting baptism when they initially invite us into their homes.)

Sundays in the MTC are quite special.

1 comment:

  1. I really look forward to your journal entries. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us this way. When I grow up I want to be just like you.
    Love you guys,
