Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Training and YSA Home Evening

Sister Jenny Schlecter spent the afternoon with us.  She is the Juneau Stake Seminary & Institute coordinator.  There was lots of showing us how to enter new teachers on the C-STAR system along with classes and students.  Together we went over our seminary teacher's abilities and challenges.  There was even discussion about individual students.  Diane is going to be our records keeper.  It looks similar to what she was doing at SLCC. 

The YSA branch meets on Monday evenings for a Branch Home Evening.  We had no idea that we were the lesson.  It started out as 20 questions and ended up with us telling our story of how we met and raised our combined 7 children.  It moved into my experiences with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir as a singer and then as the director of Bells on Temple Square.  We finished by going over the men's parts of Beebe's "Come Follow Me."  I am not sure when we are singing it.

There were only about 9 YSA members attending in addition to the Branch Presidency and Sister Waldron and Me.  The kids are hard pressed to get off of work prior to 7:00 pm and 8:30 pm during the tourist season.  They put in 10 and 12 hour days.  This will taper off through September when the cruise ships stop coming for the winter. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are starting to get into the thick of it.
