Monday, August 27, 2012

Our First Sunday in Juneau

We found out that on Sundays we will be hitting the day in the fastest gear we have.  Sunday morning was our Young Single Adult Branch Council.  The entire council was there.  Bro. Welling and Bro. Francis are the councilors in the Branch Presidency.  The Stake Pres., Pres. Hamlin, was visiting.  A. J., the Elder's Quorum President was there as was the missionaries from the 3rd ward.  The lone sister was our Relief Society President, 

There is a great deal of love and concern for our YSA members.  I noticed a great amount of love in every aspect from our Branch Presiden, President Olsen.  We garnered some names that we are going to visit and encourage to join the institute. 

We were hitting the hallways pretty hard trying to find YSA kids and let them know that Institute begins on Wednesday evening.  We attended Priesthood Quorum and Relief Society first.  We then had Sunday School.  Carolyn Chenowith did a wonderful job teaching from Helaman.  She has a lot of talent in front of others.  Our Sacrament meeting was two speakers leaving for BYU Idaho in a week and our Stake President. 

I asked President Olsen to get us an Institute Class President.  Usually the teacher does that, but I don't know them well yet and I asked him to just do it.  He was very prompt and called Amanda Mosher.  Amanda joined the church less than three months ago.  She is eager in developing her testimony and her knowledge.  She told me, "Now remember I'm only nine in the gospel in dog years."  This is a wonderful calling for her and will help strengthen her testimony and confidence in the church.  We set her apart and spent 10 minutes giving her an overview of the position.

And then there was a meeting with some YSA who are planning a San Diego Temple excursion.  Following that we had ward choir.  Sister Olsen directed that.  She also taught Relief Society.  She is a ball of energy.  She and Pres. Olsen are now empty nesters and they feel like this is a mission for them of sorts.  We then came home for a quick lunch and then returned to the church for a meeting with the incoming seminary parents and students for an orientation.  Classes begin on Sept. 4th. 

We drove around the area just to see Juneau in the sun.  Yes!  It was sunny yesterday and this morning it is shinning as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are learning lots and helping lots to. We miss you. Love,
