Monday, August 6, 2012

MTC World Map

Today was our first day in the MTC.  Our son-in-law, Mike, gave us two nights in the Marriott hotel in Provo.  When we checked in Saturday, the clerk said, "Elder Waldron, you're two days early."  I was surprised he called me ELDER as I sure wasn't dressed like one yet.  He didn't know that I had another reservation from Mike, and I didn't know the MTC had assigned us to stay in the Marriott along with several other couples.   The MTC has so many seniors going lately they have to contract with the Marriott.

It was so fun to be in the same room where years ago we dropped off Mark, Travis, Erik and Tiffany as they began their missions.  And sure enough, we too sang CALLED TO SERVE.

We mostly participated in orientation and were assigned to a district.  We have four couples in our district.  We have had two meals in the MTC cafeteria.  The food was very good.  We have an assignment for tonight as we are going to be teaching a mock investigator from PREACH MY GOSPEL tomorrow.

We saw this wonderful map of the world and lots of missionaries pointing to the destination of their individual calls.  We just had to point at Juneau while a Sister going to Hawaii to our picture. 

It seems that friends can be made quickly here.


  1. Love the picture. Mom, you look beautiful.

  2. SO GLAD everything went well your FIRST DAY! Yay!!!

  3. How neat to see your MTC must have picture! I can't wait to see how the mock discussion goes. :)
