Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This Monday has been a bit more than the usual Monday.  As usual we were up at 5:00 a.m. and over to greet the seminary teachers as they entered with their smiles and happy attitudes.  They are wonderful.  We had a brief prayer meeting and spent a few minutes memorizing together Luke 24:36-39. 

After our breakfast we took a brief nap and then went to the gym.  We are finding the exercise is very good for us in many ways.  It helps our attitudes as well as our physical fitness.  Diane spent the time driving back home telling me the many bacterial hazards of participating in a gym.  She read a bit while I was in the hot tub and the sauna.  Well....you give and take I guess.

The rest of the day was spent studying for the next Institute lesson.  And then we went to our YSA Branch Family Home Evening group.  We had a great turn out.  I didn't count but there must have been 20 there.  I showed a followup to last week's Institute lesson.  The lesson had been on the miracles of healing.  The video I showed was made by the church and is called, "Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole."  It showed a family reeling from bad choices and not working together in Christ.  When they decided to allow the Savior to put his hands on the family, things became better.  They healed, and love began to again be in the home. 

And then we had Sushi.  The kids wanted a Hawaiian sushi called Musubi.  It was rice and spam and seaweed.  They sliced up the spam and cooked it in a sweet soy sauce.  The rice was packed into the bottom of the empty spam can, which was used like a mold.  Then they put a slice of spam onto rice shaped like the spam can about 1/2 inch thick and wrapped it in a commercial seaweed.  Most of us were skeptical of it.  But almost all tried it and liked it.  I gave up on the seaweed after about half of it.  I guess I have just spent too much of my life "Pulling" weeds to give in and eat any.  Wouldn't that mean you would have to grow it?   (That would be like changing political parties.)

1 comment:

  1. Our family may have to try that recipe...the scary thing is that we already have the spam in our food storage.
